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Why Treluz?

Effortless Task Management From Anywhere

The bridge between planning and completion of tasks is task management. You should be able to track projects from conception to conclusion with the help of your task management software’s overview of work in progress. Join teams worldwide who utilize our Kanban-style project boards to digitalize workflows and get a clear picture of task progress by using Treluz. Together, let’s organize!

More Clarity. More Productivity.

Task management is the link between planning to do something and getting it done. Enter Treluz: join teams everywhere who use our Kanban-style project boards to digitalize workflows and gain a clear overview of task progress. 

Integrate your workflow with other tools

Whether you’re managing your next big project or digitalizing task management for your team’s daily business, you need to know who’s doing what, when. Treluz helps you manage tasks in a beautiful, customizable environment that perfectly adapts to your needs.

Treluz’s Gantt-style Timeline feature helps project managers drive efficiency and keep their teams aligned. Assign and schedule tasks in calendar view to locate bottlenecks easily and ensure deadlines are kept.

Hello, Productive Communication.

Inefficient team collaboration and email overload are killing your team’s productivity and costing you money… but they don’t have to. Align your team, boost transparency and get more done with Treluz.

Master Remote Team Management.

Treluz keeps your team on-task, wherever they’re working. Ensure workflows are seamless and productivity stays high: whether your team members are working from home, in the office or remotely.

Bring Your Workflow to Life With Treluz.

You’ve created the perfect workflow for your team. Now you need a tool to implement it! Optimize workflow management with Treluz – the perfect tool to streamline workflows and boost team productivity.

Task Management with Treluz

Projects That Work.

Whether you’re managing your next big project or digitalizing task management for your team’s daily business, you need to know who’s doing what, when. Treluz helps you manage tasks in a beautiful, customizable environment that perfectly adapts to your needs.

Your Home


The dashboard is your home screen in Treluz. Configure it however you like so you can quickly access projects and tasks. Stay productive when you work from home, in the office, or remotely.

Choose the Perfect Treluz Plan for Your Team.


Flexible pricing for
companies of all sizes









Task Management Software for an Agile Future

One Tool. Endless Use Cases.

Tasks for both you and your team

Task Management?

Productive. Efficient. On time. Task management software helps you guide tasks effortlessly from to-do, to doing, to done. Bring order to your team’s daily business and create future-proof workflows with Treluz.

Your Questions, Answered.

What is...

Task Management?

Task management is the structured, digitalized processing of tasks using a dedicated software. Treluz is an excellent example, but many others do exist.

Task Management Software?

Task management software can help you visualize what needs to be done, when. It shows you who is responsible for a task, when it is due, and much more.


Kanban boards are visualizations of projects and feature in many task management tools. Tasks begin on the left of the board and move towards the right as they are worked on.

Waterfall/Agile Project Management?

The two most popular project management methodologies. Waterfall is the traditional, linear way of managing tasks, while agile tools like Treluz use a more flexible iterative approach.

Why You Need Task Management

Online task management software helps you work efficiently and consistently. Long term, you and your team will be able to get more done and improve your standard of work.

The Key Benefit of Treluz?

Everyone uses task management software differently. We find that our users enjoy better organization, smoother collaboration and improved communication with Treluz.