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Treluz: Your Small Business’s Secret Weapon for Success

In the dynamic world of business, small businesses face unique challenges. They need to be nimble, efficient, and customer-centric to thrive in a competitive market. Treluz, an innovative CRM platform designed specifically for small businesses, is the secret weapon you need to elevate your business to new heights. A Comprehensive Suite of Tools for Streamlined […]

Streamline Your Small Business Operations with Treluz: The All-in-One CRM Platform

In today’s competitive business landscape, small businesses need every edge they can get to thrive. Implementing a comprehensive CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system is a crucial step towards achieving operational excellence and customer satisfaction. Treluz, an innovative CRM platform designed specifically for small businesses, empowers you to manage your projects, teams, and customer interactions seamlessly. […]

5 Reasons to Consolidate Your Business Tools and Save With Treluz

Does it feel like the number of tools in your tech stack keeps growing, but actual work is getting harder to complete? It’s more common than you think—the 2020 Blissfully SaaS Trends Report found enterprise companies use an average of 288 different business apps in the entire organization. Currently, the average enterprise company pays for an additional 7.6 apps with […]

Slack Vs. Teams: Which is Better for Your Company?

When Microsoft decided not to acquire Slack in 2016 and instead come up with their own collaboration app called Microsoft Teams, it meant war.  And it’s a close one! Sure, if you compare Slack vs Microsoft Teams, it’s hard to spot a difference at first glance.  However, each one can offer you something a little different when […]

What is Inbound Marketing? How To Use CRMs To Optimize Your Inbound Marketing Channels

Thanks to the internet’s easy content distribution and metric tracking, inbound marketing has become a focus for many top brands. But with thousands of brands investing in content, it’s challenging to stand out.  You’ve seen some results, but it feels like you’re throwing darts from 20 meters away with your eyes shut. What metrics should you track […]

How To Handle Change Management When Switching CRMs

Picture this: you’ve found an amazing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system that can help you build better relationships, improve productivity, and increase conversions.  You’re brimming with excitement until you realize that convincing stakeholders to make the switch is often painful and can hinder the best intentions. Employees typically see organizational changes as the few (managers) imposing their […]

What is Marketing Automation? And How Can It Boost My Bottom Line?

Automation is the new norm in business today. It undeniably saves time, boosts productivity, and saves a poor human operative from physically having to handle tedious, robotic tasks. Yet automation can provide far more than mere improved efficiency. Nowhere is the true value of business automation seen more clearly than in marketing automation. So let’s explore […]

9 Email Marketing Trends for 2022

Email marketing is one of the most important – and effective! – means to connect with your target audience, plus convert site visitors into paying customers. Although email marketing has rapidly ascended to become crucial in every industry, you have to understand and emulate some of the top email marketing trends if you want your marketing […]